COVID-19 has impacted the lives of countless people in more ways than one can imagine. One worrying aspect is the overall decrease in movement among individuals throughout the world. "Worldwide, within 10 days of the pandemic declaration, there was a 5.5% decrease in mean steps (287 steps), and within 30 days, there was a 27.3% decrease in mean steps (1432 steps)." (Tison et al) While our movement may be restricted, that doesn't mean there aren't other methods in which we can be in good health. What we wish to provide with this website is an inspiration for those who are struggling to live a healthy lifestyle while maintaining the proper guidelines set by your respective location. By browsing around, you will find several resources that you can use in your home to start/continue living a healthy lifestyle. Our website will offer methods for home workouts, healthy meals, and motivational techniques to keep you on the right track. A little bit goes a long way, so don't be afraid to start and get active!
Now more than ever, it is essential that we are getting the movement our bodies need to sustain bodily function. We are a species that are designed to move, rather than one that is meant to be idle. Everyone has been impacted in some type of way and each of us have been feeling the full effect of COVID-19. Luckily, exercise provides the perfect outlet for every problem. Whether you are stressed, looking to lose weight, or ease muscle strain, exercise is the answer.
improved thinking or cognition for children 6 to 13 years of age
reduced short-term feelings of anxiety for adults
reduce your risk of depression and anxiety
sleep better
reduce health risk of CVD and premature mortality
(per CDC guidelines)